Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to write a brief letter to re-introduce myself to the blog world.
I have previously blogged as part of a few team blogs, mostly with a blogger named Julian Blue. I blogged as Liz Green. When the integrity of those blogs seemed in question, I stopped blogging at them. I did have a solo blog as Liz for a while, but I got promoted to management at my job and could not keep blogging. Unfortunately, my association and friendship with Julian Blue has ended, so now I am giving it a go on my own. I chose a different name because people have come to expect certain things from Liz Green, and I want this blog to be different.
I always felt like a lot of the posts on my previous blogs evolved from negativity. I want this one to be positive. I do a lot of creative things, so I want this blog to reflect that. Some of you have the most beautiful photos, etc. That is what I am trying to do here. Unfortunately, as a city girl, I don't have a chance to grow a garden or flowers, but I do enjoy them.
Zee, that's how I found your blog--I already knew it was there. I have always loved your beautiful photography and your keen wit.
So, welcome everyone to my new blog, and I hope you'll come back often. I hope to make this a positive place that people like to visit.
Take care and have a great day,
PS--someone commented on the template. I got it at Pyzam.com. They have hundreds of great templates and will give you the html code to put in the edit field on blogger. It's pretty easy.
Short Changed
14 hours ago
Hi Shakespeare's Cousin / Liz –welcome back to blogging and thanks for your visit and insightful comments. I have included a link to your blog on mine and I will come back often to visit.
A lot has happened since you stopped blogging hasn’t it? It seems to me, notwithstanding your country’s difficulties the current leadership offers a more balanced positive future - but it will take time!!
It’s not surprising the current debate over future change to your health system provokes pockets of emotional outbursts about private enterprise being overshadowed by socialism and so forth, but I do hope you are able to make some changes soon for the better.
It’s always difficult to comment on these very complicated matters from afar but given the opportunity for fraud, over servicing and costly duplicated administration in any system dominated by a number of private medical services I think there is a vital role for a more effective regulatory body.
Maybe there is a role for a central heath commission which could more effectively use the information from a universal database to help weed out inevitable small pockets of over servicing and militate more effectively against fraud and costly duplicated administration.
Certainly that has been my limited experience in Australia dealing with some very large State based schemes here which took over a plethora of private based schemes in workers compensation to yield much lower premiums but improved benefits in subsequent future years.
However I do think that some form of a universal safety scheme funded from taxation will become necessary but I also think it needs to be considered concurrently with regulation of your private sector insurance- maybe even leading to an amalgamation of smaller funds to ensure a separation between insured compensation payments for claimants and those who actually perform the services. Not easy, but sensible improved regulation for a fairer, more efficient health outcome is indicative of what most countries expect of their elected representatives- but it takes time and hard work, during which time emotions can rise – but surpassingly enough Obama is much more popular overseas than in your country.
Best wishes
Hi SC,
Nice to see you back at it - looking forward to pictures of those creative endeavors!
hi there cuz! thanks for stopping by my place. and thanks for the warm, fuzzy. as The Governator says, 'i'll be back'.
I think Obama is getting a bad time about this unnecessarily. The right wing is saying he's going to euthanize old people and that we are moving toward Communism. There is a lot of bad propoganda out there. People don't understand that a national healtcare plan isn't the same as nationalized healthcare.
It doesn't help that there is no federal control of insurance companies in this country. It's up to the individual states. In addition, the drug companies and the insurance companies have the largest lobbies in America. It's going to be an uphill battle, but something has to be done.
Thanks, to everyone for stopping by. I hope you'll be back often. Thanks, Lindsay, for blogrolling me and for your thoughts on the healthcare issue.
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